the Baba Coffeeshop (a place in amdam when u can smoke weed legally)
the Baba shop logo is Ganesh, kinda weird coz it sells ganja
the main part of the shop is the 6 foot statue of lord ganesh,
Legal Buds
Buds on top of Van Gogh museum entrance ticket, (yeah it was an educational trip too)
what is that? cake? no no! SPACE CAKE! made wit REAL weed for that extra flavour
(can be bought at coffeeshops)
Anne Frank, the jewish girl killed by Nazi, she hid in amsterdam for 2 years b4 she was betrayed by some1 and died 1 month b4 liberation, she wrote a diary and its world famous.
Cannabis plant
cannabis plant at the cannabis museum
since when u started smoking legal stuff :D
its all good when its legal!!
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