Cockroach killin


i'm killing cockroaches by starvin them to death

1. mary, caught under a tuna tin, not sure what happened

2. peter, caught under a bottle, in the curve, still dere, acting dead

3. sally, caught in plastic container, running about,

(dumb alignment, pi$$in me off)


Paddle Out for Whales said...

haha that is hilarious!

big D said...

hehe u should have named all cocroach in tamil gals name.

Then again u can't kill a tamil gal by starvin them hehehr

AJ said...

thats true , i should've named em after all the tamil slappers i came across...

big D said...

while u at it name one as Lil_p as well make sure it's die a painful death :D hehehe

AJ said...

next one is lil_P

Sshree said...

hahahaha adda paavingala!! dun be dat evil!!!