and fucking finally...

Beer advert banned for sex link

the sex sells advertising, where adverts imply that using their product leads to sexual/social success!

lynx is the main mofo that needs to be banned, spraying a can of lynx can attract women? how about a $50 calvin klein perfume?

now duracell is starting its sex advertising "its goes on and on, know what i mean"

if they can ban the ram, i'm sure they can ban the whole lot of them...


Sshree said...

so sex is taboo? and why cant it be used for advert purposes if 3/4 of the world population is based on sex? cant be avoided.even if you advertise sex.its still goina be present? so why not use it for profit

if you can fight it ... embrace it i say

Anonymous said...

i think that it's wrong to use sex to sell products. most often these ads are targeted at men. it's quite pathetic to use a young girl wearing sexy clothes in an ad to attract peoples' attention. overall, these ads degrade women and makes men look desperate.

AJ said...

preach it humsi!

you still got a lotta growing up to do shree...

Sshree said...

i do agree young girls should not be put in an ad with sexy clothing.
but An advert of that manner.ive seen Enough ads with the same motion directed towards women!but comon lets be realistic .so meaning its okay for young women to be wearing sexy clothing in Movies and music Videos than in a commercial? how is that different ?You watch it on tv everyday.showing women in a whole lOTta ways. so that isnt degrading women? if they use women to sell a movie or music.

Anonymous said...

so, if sex is in movies, then why shouldn’t it be in ads? aren’t there enough sex scenes in movies already? there are overt sexy ads that are directed to women as well but why use sex to get both genders’ attention?
sex is a part of life but it isn’t the ONLY thing in ppl’s mind. little kids watch these ads too but there aren’t any rating nor warning on these ads before they are aired.
certain deodorant ads show a girl/guy putting on a particular brand name deodorant and being intimate with another gender. it almost makes it seem as if that’s the only reason why people put on deodorant.
personally, i think anything that exploits women/men's sexuality such as ads, movies, music should be banned.

Anonymous said...

People are attracted to sexual images. It's in our instinct, instinct to breed. Advertising taps into that.

There's a lotta competition for your attention, especially when everyone's clamering to get it. I don't see anything wrong with using a tactict that's guranteed to get a person's attention.