i increased my PSP game collection to 3 today:

playing pursuit force...i'm starting to wonder whether i am a gamer. but its a tough game. the enemies in the game have faster cars..how? (this doesnt even happen in movies. unless its a racing movie, then the baddie always has a faster car). apprently the game is hard (according to a review) and there is no level setting. the conecept and action in the game is cool but just a lil too hard and tedious.

yet to play proevo, supposedly prefered by hard-core football game players and is better than EA's FIFA. maybe once i master the controls for PES5 i can play on PS2.
i need a game like Wolfestein:enemy territory on PSP i think, i keep starting rumours in ET servers that Wolfenstein is going to be on PSP in a hope that someone high up might think its a good idea, its a brilliant idea! and FPS, online, you cant beat that.
in other news....
moving out again...hopefully not temporarily!
is 'pursuit force' similar to 'Ride or die'?.....
i dont know never played the other game...
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