high security hospital..LOL
Litvinenko murdered ok, how many did Litvinenko kill?
International community is letting war decide Tamils' fate - paper
By allowing the Sri Lankan state free rein and supporting it to wage war, the international community has made any rights the Tamils secure depend entirely on the battlefield outcome, the Tamil Guardian newspaper said this week. "The military has for two years blasted villages, driven hundreds of thousands from their homes and continues to abduct, torture and murder…For all the noise about human rights (and much of that has dissipated now), the state actually wants for nothing. Ironically, the more the international community is convinced the LTTE can be defeated, the freer the hand it will have."
The full text of the editorial, titled 'No Choice' follows:
The targeted killing last Friday of Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan, the LTTE's Chief Negotiator and the head of its Political Wing, along with five other LTTE officials, by the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) shocked the Tamil community. Across Diaspora centres and in the homeland, there is palpable grief and anger. The specificities of the attack - whether the SLAF knew Mr. Tamilselvan was at the location, for example - are irrelevant: the military has been trying repeatedly to kill him for years, frequently bombing his offices, residences and convoys. The assassination is a quintessential reflection of the Sinhala mindset. President Mahinda Rakapakse, along with the vast majority of Sinhalese, see the island's ethnic problem purely as a Tamil terrorist challenge. For all the lip-service (and there's not much of that about now) about power sharing, the south is single-mindedly focused on a military victory. The abandon with which the military has for two years blasted Tamil villages, driven hundreds of thousands of Tamils from their homes and continues to abduct, torture and murder Tamils is underwritten by the confidence the international community, despite its distaste, is nonetheless solidly behind Colombo's war.
Both the Sinhalese and the international community have their legitimating theories. For the Sinhalese, once the LTTE is destroyed, the Tamils will docilely accept whatever limited (and decidedly undeserved) powers they are given. The leading members of the international community in Sri Lanka agree. But they also believe that once the LTTE is destroyed, the island can be 'developed' whereupon Sinhalese, Tamils and, for that matter, the Muslims, will come to see each other as fellow Sri Lankans and live happily ever after. Despite the decades of Sinhala oppression the Tamils have faced by successive governments since independence ( i.e. three decades before Tamil militancy was triggered), the international community bases its strategy today off a utopian vision of an ethnic harmony to come. It is not that such a vision is impossible that is staggering but, rather, the belief it can be realized by enabling a violent Sinhala conquest of the Tamils followed by economic development.
The various reactions to the Sri Lankan military's assassination of Mr. Tamilselvan should serve as food for thought for anyone out there who still believes either that peace talks might end the bloodshed or, even more naively, that the international community will act to protect the Tamils against the rampages of the state. As President Rajapakse crowed in Parliament this week, he has secured the assistance of the international community to defeat the Tigers. As we have argued before, for all the noise about human rights (and much of that has dissipated now), the state actually wants for nothing. Ironically, the more the international community is convinced the LTTE can be defeated, the freer the hand the Sinhala state will have.
Let there be no mistake; irrespective of the extent of the casualties or suffering the Sinhala military inflicts on Tamil civilians, the international community will not restrain the state. Not, that is, until the military is checked on the battlefield by the LTTE's counter-violence. At that point, as in 2001, international peaceniks will rush back to help Tamils and Sinhalese solve 'their' problem. The insistence by some international actors, especially those who proudly proclaim their support and assistance for the Sinhala state, that 'there is no military solution' is duplicitous. The solution must be political, we all know that. But it can be rammed down the Tamils' throats on the end of bayonet. Which is why several members of the international community advocating 'peace' in Sri Lanka have also banned the LTTE.
When Sinhalese unite
Last week Sinhalese reveled in Mr. Tamilselvan's assassination. Traditional drums were played in the street. Parties were organized at home. Some Buddhist temples held all night celebrations. For any Sinhalese who genuinely desires a negotiated solution, the killing of the other side's top diplomat should have been deeply worrying and regrettable. But very few in the south feel this way, something the Tamils need to bear in mind as they make their way in the time to come. For decades, when faced with violence and brutality by a Colombo government, many Tamils have rushed to the feet of the Sinhala opposition, voting it into power in a laughably futile effort to end their suffering, if only for a while. They have chased after the SLFP and UNP in turn, insisting, despite the evidence of their past suffering, that this time round it would be different.
In reality, for the Tamils, there is nothing to choose between the main Sinhala parties. This is because all of them are beholden to the sentiments of the majority of Sinhalese voters who, as is now starkly clear, bitterly oppose sharing of any power with the Tamils. The point was underscored this week by the reaction of the UNP - still the darlings, incidentally, of the 'peace through development' international community - to Mr. Tamilselvan's assassination. Firstly, the UNP hailed the killing as a 'great victory' for the (Sinhala) Air Force. It then went on to tacitly back Rajapakse's brutal war, saying there is 'no point' negotiating with the LTTE. Let us be clear; whenever the LTTE negotiates with the state, it is about the rights, powers and extent of self-rule that we, the Tamil people, are to have. The UNP, drunk with the same confidence in Sinhala military victory that the SLFP regime is, believes, like the government, that there is no point in negotiating with an enemy who is about to be defeated. The optimism may be misplaced, but the UNP sees no reason to hide it.
This week Tamils in the homeland and abroad have mourned Mr. Tamilselvan and his colleagues killed last Friday. We join them. Both Mr. Tamilselvan and Lt. Colonel Anpumani (Alex), who was also killed in Friday's airstrike, were friends of this newspaper. From the outset of the Norwegian peace process, concerned that the Tamil people be kept informed of developments, they, along with the LTTE's then Chief Negotiator, Mr. Anton Balasingham, went out of their way to ensure we were briefed on the peace process. We will miss them.
A time to struggle
Despite its bans on the LTTE, as the international community has openly acknowledged, every time the Tigers sit across the table from the Sinhala state, the interests they are negotiating for are those of the Tamil people. Whether it is a political solution - remember the fuss about the LTTE giving up independence for federalism? (Now the movement is thought to be weak, no one wants to use that word now) - or an interim administration or international aid for the Northeast, the Tigers were accepted by the state and the international community to be negotiating on behalf of the Tamils. Yet there is thundering silence after the Sinhala state assassinated the Tamils' chief negotiator. The international community has thus made it clear that any rights the Tamils secure depend entirely on the outcome on the battlefield. We therefore have to brace ourselves for an even more brutal military onslaught in the time to come. We must therefore be united in our resolve. Despite our skepticism, Tamil efforts to argue our case abroad, to win hearts and minds, must continue. But not in naïve optimism. If the state fails to defeat the LTTE then it will be compelled to negotiate with the Tamils. If it wins, we are lost. But, then, it was ever thus.
Italian Murder...
Flatmate 'heard Meredith scream' | ||
The American flatmate of murdered Meredith Kercher has claimed she covered her ears as the British student screamed, Italian police have said. Amanda Knox, 20, has given a partial confession, but keeps changing her story, police in Perugia say. |
let down after let down...
London unveils 2012 stadium plan | ||
"No-one can say we've compromised on design, on sustainability or on the legacy potential," said Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell MP. Work on the 80,000-seater stadium will begin ahead of schedule in April 2008. |
Sack the Idiot...
Assembly call to sack Met chief | ||
Members of the London Assembly have passed a vote of no confidence in Sir Ian Blair, the Met Police Commissioner. Conservatives and Liberal Democrats on the assembly united to ensure the motion was passed by 15 votes to eight. Addressing members before the vote, Sir Ian repeated his apology for the fatal shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes but insisted he will not resign. |
Loss of Thamilchelvan, a consequence of International injustice says Poddu Ammaan
[TamilNet, Monday, 05 November 2007, 17:13 GMT]
"We tried our best to convince the International Community of our grievances. We are a small nation, struggling all alone to uphold our rights. But the International Community in an uneven judgement in applying its norms, scaled us with Sri Lankan government abounding with military and economic resources. The scale was not fair. The price we paid for the International Injustice is the life of Thamilchelvan," said Poddu Ammaan, the intelligence wing chief of the Liberation Tigers, in the obituary address of the funeral of Brigadier S.P. Thamilchelvan held in Ki'linochchi on Monday.
Poddu Ammaan addressing the memorial gathering in Ki'linochchi |
However, he continued, "many of us were not aware of the inherent political abilities hidden in him, but our leader Pirapaharan rightly identified them."
"Our leader always use to say that fear comes from attachment to life. One who is fearless to sacrifice his own life to the welfare of people can only become a political leader. Thamilchelvan was one such."
[L-R] LTTE's Intelligence Wing Chief Poddu Ammaan, Political Head and Chief of Tamileelam Police, P. Nadesan with religious leaders |
"What is the payback for the killing of Thamilchelvan, many ask us."
"A few Sri Lankan soldiers, perhaps thousands, or a few Sinhala leaders cannot match the price for Thamilchelvan."
"The relentless effort to achieve Thamizh Eezham is the price. The Sinhala nation should realise that we will never stop in this effort."
In his address, Poddu Ammaan revealed that the LTTE came to know through subtle briefings of Norway, that the Sri Lankan government blocked Thamilchelvan's mother and siblings, living abroad, from attending the funeral.
A section of LTTE commanders and officials at the funeral of LTTE Political Head S.P. Thamilchelvan |
stupid law...
Doherty suicide claims 'untrue'
do people want an election?
i dont want an election... i dont think a lot of people want an election,
Crazy Cameron
woah..the child is out, mr. middle class junkie...
Conservative leader Mr Cameron accused the prime minister of "treating the British people as fools"
apple asserts its control...again!
Apple has warned that anyone attempting to unlock their iPhone to use with an unauthorised mobile network could find their phones irreparably damaged.
who are these people...
who are these people who start petitions like ..
its a free world, let the head of each state decide whats its citizens should do and shouldnt, not bloody americans or europeans
Fast Life
so the healthy people say fast food kills you...
Winning Attitude
why do they not have a winning attitude, teams shouldnt go on the pitch thinking a draw is enough or this is a tough game lets draw it then win the rest, thats the difference between England and the top football teams.
Tamil credit card fraudsters jailed for murder
Philosophy Lesson for TODAY
uh, sorry but I am not so capitalistic that I automatically associate "holiday" with "shopping" ;P
i meant food shopping since you are hungry.. not shopping for your Louis vuitton or chanel.... *<:O)
shopping is shopping, mate. I prefer my fruits from the vines (rather than the squeezed aisles of your beloved ASDA/Tesco's).
Anyway, I do have food ("thanks" for your concern), but I am still h u n g r y.
we would all like that, but we are neither that rich nor that poor...(hopefully thats the correct english)
(tx manisha)
bamboo banger - MIA - sample Thalapathy - Kattukuyile
second song off the list..
more bush lies...
President George W Bush has warned a US withdrawal from Iraq could trigger the kind of upheaval seen in South East Asia after US forces quit Vietnam.
Did they really know?
190,000 weapons 'missing in Iraq'
The US military cannot account for 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to the Iraqi security forces, an official US report says.
joined at the hips...
since when..
bitch please...
"Iran 'biggest threat to Mid-East'" says Condie Rice...
i think she meant ... "Iran, biggest threat IN mid-east ( for the USA, so we'll pretend the Iran is the problem for the mid-east crisis and get every tom dick and harry behind us to support the war on Iran so that USA can be safe and those suckers will never know shiiit, rah!)"
world owes a debt to the USA?
is mr.brown on crack?
tit for tat
Experts debunk common idea about the common cold ....bullshit
bull shit..
mad plotters...
remember when clinton got impeached and then US had Bush....
well its not gonna that bad in the UK, but getting rid of Blair...doh!
while they are at it...
London Lite attacks BBC again...part XXI
TV presenter Nick Ross has announced he is leaving the BBC One programme Crimewatch after 23 years to pursue other projects.
London lite's version of the story was that ross was pushed off coz he was getting old, and that crimewatch wanted younger people to watch the show... errr... crime show to be watched by younger viewers? has it comes to this? but anyway london lite was on it like a flash to attack the BBC...
Foreign Racists...
i walked up to the guy, and asked him why he let six guys in and didnt let us 4 in, he replies " they work in the industry", i said i work in the industry aswell let me in, nuh-uh. so i asked him why he said "he cant let us in because we were all guys" and then now tell us that "they work in the industry"... no answer,
turns out the guy is kiwi,
i proceeded to tell the guy what i thought of him and then he dissappeared into the club, of course that was after i had taken a picture of the racist cunt..
following on from the letter on the london paper today about aussie racists, it seems these kiwis and aussies dont get a chance to mingle with coloured people in australia or NZ that they think they can bring their racist attitude to UK. lets not start on the eastern europeans...
London Lite attacks BBC AGAIN...
London lite attacked BBC again, using "readers" view as its method, it keeps attacking the BBC.
Nation of whingers
has the UK become a nation of whingers?
the biggest thing people of the UK whinge about is the weather... i mean, there is absolutely no point in whinging about the weather, nothing will change because you whinge. its too cold, too hot, too wet, too dry... never happy about that...
lately its whinging about everything tony blair does... and bush...
then whinging about iraq..
of course there is always plenty of fresh material provided by the government and its cohorts, latest being the olympic logo, it'll die down soon as something comes along... come on you global warming scare mongers, get some idiot to say something idiotic so we can all go back to fixing the earth...
Reds Fans the worst in europe...coz we get there!
lampard asks the impossible..
Midfielder Frank Lampard has called for England's fans to get behind the team against Estonia on Wednesday.
let me be frank, since when have england fans done otherwise? what the fuck you talking about?
Mcclaren will do better to drop lampard, coz anyone can do what he does, run around the field, pass the ball,
give those guys like defoe, lennon, dyer, carrick, a chance...
Spanish CUNTS
Spain has launched legal action against US marine explorers over a wreck they have found laden with treasure.
like it fucking belong to the spanish cunts? they fucking stole it from all the fuckin places they invaded...
maybe all those invaded countries should sue spain for stealing their gold...
London Lite's war against the BBC
London lite the free paper they give out in the afternoon keeps publishing bad comments about the BBC, who owns london lite?
Sri-lankan government does not want peace
Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian and Member of the Parliamentary Consultative Committees for Constitutional affairs, in an interview with TamilNet Tuesday, said that Sri Lanka will not pursue a political solution until it finds itself unable to prosecute a military solution, and the only option open for peace is for the LTTE to demonstrate that Colombo's military agenda will not succeed. Gajendrakumar added that this unfortunate reality was the direct result of the International community's demonstrated unwillingness to stop the Sri Lanka Government from proceeding with the military agenda.
FA cup final... verdict: boring?
everyone is saying it was a boring game...
America will screw you over for a dime
the only reason why america lists LTTE as a terrorist organisation is so that it can sell weapons to sri-lanka.
UK Sells arms to Sri-Lanka
"Inquiries that I have made reveal that £7 million-worth of [UK] arms were licensed for delivery to Sri Lanka in the last quarter for which figures are available," Joan Ruddock, a ruling Labour party MP, told the House Wednesday during a landmark debate on Sri Lanka.
UK government wants to stop money reaching LTTE so that LTTE can pursue a non-violent answer to the conflict, but sells weapons to Sri-lankan government... so they can pursue a violent answer to the conflict? i guess its to be expected from a government which lied about iraq having WMDs so that it can steal the oil from iraq.
BBC's London News did a piece of a temple funds being held by the police because of supposed links to the LTTE, the reporter had no clue about the sri-lankan war, everything was based on post 9/11 thinking. the problem with the media is that it doesnt need hard evidence to say someone is guilty, its guilty until proven innocent, but then they dont care if you are innocent.
UK is selling weapons which kill tamil people. then UK takes the moral high ground saying they are after peace.
Liverpool Reigns!

Champions League Semi Final : Liverpool vs Chelsea
there goes the ball, into the corner after a well thought out freekick.
sinhala ignorance
there i am, monday morning sitting in the bus listening to my music, not looking forward to the day ahead, then i hear these people talking, a woman with an indian accent talking about the LTTE aerial raids in colombo, its a sri-lankan sinhala woman telling her friend (i assume of another language and race about LTTE since they wernt conversing in sinhala).
google shit
what happened to my personalised page? all those feeds? all those book marks?
its all gone... no explanation..no errors?..google lamers!
when i ask for tea...
its a killing season
well, i'll be damned, sri-lankan government lead probe is flawed?
from the riots of 1956..to 1983... its all be flawed! and to think they even manged to write it so it looked like the tamils started the riot in the first place...
Iran following the way of the taleban
so in a months time they'll say men have to grow beards, then they'll cut out music and television, then they'll practice islamic laws of cutting peoples head off if they dont comply with dress codes and beard codes....
Card Cloners...
Maxwell Keegel, first secretary of the Sri Lankan High Commission in London, said the Sri Lankan government had evidence to suggest the scam was being used to fund the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
Independent security sources told BBC correspondent Keith Doyle these claims were credible.
But a Humberside police spokesman said: "Our evidence does not suggest there is a definite link with Sri Lankan gangs."
not only does the sri-lankan government blame the LTTE for all the odd things that happen in sri-lanka, now its trying to blame all the odd things in england.
why does everything american get more exposure in the media?
ah so 8 years ago school kids got killed in columbine... big hoo-haa
a year back some native indian kid went bizerk...
and now a south korean went bizerk and its big news.. screw the people getting killed in iraq... 127 today...
...this is capitalism...beautiful aint it...
Aussie HIV Rejection
Australia should refuse to allow migrants or refugees with HIV to enter the country, Prime Minister John Howard has said.
stupid dude...
'Why I was wrong about Steve Jobs' | ||
Bill Thompson doubted Apple's desire to sell songs without DRM. They start doing it in May, so what does he think now?
That would be me, then.
DRM is from the music companies, not apple, if music companies didnt care about people copying their music then of course any1 can sell it without DRM! apple is just selling the music, it doesnt make the music, it doesnt have to protect the music, |
Iran Crisis
so glad UK told USA to stay out of the hostage crisis,
bad to worse..
I am a Nihilist!
Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, nothing) is a philosophical position which argues that the world, especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth , or essential value. Nihilists generally assert some or all of the following: there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, a "true morality" is unknown, and secular ethics are impossible; therefore, life has no truth, and no action is known to be preferable to any other.
LTTE Air Force
Air-Tigers attack Katunayake military airbase
that'll bring the government back to reality...
stupid sri-lankan cricketers go home...
Sivaji - Vaaji Vaaji
Song: vaa ji vaa ji
Movie: Sivaji
Starring: Rajni
Music: AR Rehman
un poo vili paarvai pothumedi
en ____ ilaikalum malarumedi
un kaal kolsu olikal pothumedi
pala kavirngarkal katpanai thavudupodi
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
anbaal paalai yedu?WTF?
alagai saniyedu?WTF?
un aal vasanaiyai en mel nee pusi-vidu
adi nettai nilave, rettai thimirae nenjil mutty kollu
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
oru vennilavai, manakum manmathan naan
en thaen nilvae oru nilavudanthaan aval yaarumillai etho etho evalthaan
punnagai perarasai ketaen, kulathu poovukul kulirpira
punnagai perarasai ketaen, kulathu poovukul kulirpira
vidiyum varai maarpukul irupira
vilikalukul siru thuil _______
pengalidam sollvathu kuraivu, seivathu athigam
seyal puyal naanedi
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
un baakiyamae..
vaai vaathiyamae..
un valaivukalil...ulla nelivukalil vanthu olinthukondaen, sugam sugam kandaen
anantha veriyil naan, adaikalai bhoomiyil mudinthukondaen
vinnveliyil jathi sollu adi, vennnilavai jagathiyum aakivittaen?
adadada kumariyun valangal, kulanthayin sinungal
muram paathu mootai nee?
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
vaa ji vaa ji vaa ji
en jeevan sivaaji
un poo vili paarvai pothumedi
en koontha? ilaikalum malarumedi
un kaal kolsu olikal pothumedi
pala kavirngarkal katpanai thavudupodi
Corrections in comments please...
Sivaji - Oru Kudai
does is he oru kudai or oru kodi?
Song: Oru Kudai sun light
Movie: Sivaji
Music : AR Rahman
give me one time something
give me two time something
give me three time something
oru kudai sun light
oru kudai moon light
onraha serthae colour thaaneh en white
appa nan echhai? karupae
ippo naan cheka-chivapae
eppothum pachai thamizhan
ippo naan vellai thamizhan
ada-ada-ada asathuthu style
nada nada nada nadapathum style
kada-kada-kada siripathum style
pada-pada-pada paechum style
kalakuthu un style
ilukuthu un style
jeykuthu un style
kulanthaikum un style
illasukum un style
perusukum un style
ada-ada-ada asathuthu style
nada nada nada nadapathum style
kada-kada-kada siripathum style
pada-pada-pada paechum style
suda suda suda thoduvathum style
thoda thoda thoda athirediyum style
adi-kedi mudi kalaivathum style
vara vara ellame style
[spanish bit]
oru kudai sun light
oru kudai moon light
onraha serthey colour thaaneh en white
oh let me say something...
ragalai sei rathiri veera
mirala sei manmatha maara
kavithaiyelthum kalagakara
kanthadavum kanthalamara
ginnenri kanniyaipoora
thin-inru vellaikara
nadanthaye paraiudayum rendai
irunthaye uruvathil ettai
G ennum sollil
eiffel town ithayil ittai
pattasai pattai
hero hero, herathi hero
staro staro, nee superstaro
oru kudai sun light
oru kudai moon light
onraha serthey colour thaaneh en white
appa nan echhai karupu
ippo naan cheka-chivapu
eppothum pachai thamizhan
ippo naan vellai thamizhan
corrections in comment PLEASE!!
PS3 Mash up.. PS3 for sale...
ordered a few ps3s just to make sure i get one.. plus i was gonna put some on ebay..
but it seems not many people are buying ps3 so i cancelled many..
had my order with two shops... one took money out... but when the other shop tried to take money they got declined
bugger..coz that was the one i was gonna keep, sorted out the problem with the bank (they thought it was fraud) and paid on 22nd..
but ps3 only got posted today, so i prolly wont get it til monday...
keeping my fingers crossed that it will arrive at local depot tommo, but i havnt got my passport as i left it in the town where i work..
gonna take some convincing to pick it up if it arrives at the depot...
what i have now... is the ps3 from the other shop, in the box, unopened, i tried to cancel it yesterday but didnt work...
now i gotta send it back! just sittin there...and i cant open it up..damn it!
now all i need some bad news on monday about a job..and this weekend will be a real bad weekend!
Sivaji - Sahara Pookal
Song: Sahara Pookal
Movie: Sivaji
Music: AR Rehman
Starring: Rajni, Shreya
saahana saral thurutho
sahara pookal poothatho
saahana saral thuurutho
sahara pookal poothatho
sahara pookal poothatho
saahana saral thuurutho
en vinnveli thalaikumel thiranthatho adadaa
antha vennila veetukul nulainthatho,
athu ennudan thaeneer kondatho
kanavo, nijamo, kathal manthiramo
oru aayiram vendukal semitha kathal ithu
noor ayiram andukal thaandiyum vaalum ithu
sahara pookal poothatho
saahana saral thuurutho
thalai muthal kaal varai thavikina thurathai
ithalkalil kadanthuvidu
un meesaiyin mudiyinru melliya saaviyil kulangalai thiranthuvidu
bhoomikum vaanukum virikinra thuraithai pookalal nirapattuma
pookalin saalayil, poon unnai yenthiyae vaanuku nadakattuma
oru aayiram andukal semitha kathal ithu
noor ayiram andukal thaandiyum vaalum ithu
oru aayiram andukalai, semitha kaathal ithu
noor ayiram aandukal thaandiyum vaalum ithu
saahana saral thuurutho
sahara pookal poothatho
en vinnveli thalaikumel thiranthatho adadaa
antha vennila veetukul nulainthatho,
athu ennudan thaeneer kondatho
kanavo, nijamo, kathal manthiramo
oru aayiram andukal semitha kathal ithu
noor ayiram andukal thaandiyum vaalum ithu
saahana saral thuurutho
sahara pookal poothatho
PS3 arriveth tomorrow!
PS3...3 games..hdmi cable.."click" blu-ray movie...and an extra controller...now all i need is a god damn HD TV!!
where do i find the money for that...?
Global Warming, 2007's IRAQ has WMDs
it is, full of bull shit! so that they can rip you off and pay for the 4 years of war in iraq!
sri-lankan government tactics..
LTTE are the soul representatives on Tamils in sri-lanka!
Learn Tamil Lesson #4545
Documentary on Black Tigers premiered in Oslo
Chennai 600028 - Jalsa Pannungada
Song: Jalsa Pannungada
Music: Yuvan Shanker Raja
Singers: Ranjith, Tippu, Karthik, Haricharan, Premji
(4th song on the list)
valkaiyai yosingada
thalaiyeluthai nalla vaaskingada
yosichu paarungada, ellorum onna serungada
irukiravaraikum anubavika illamai ethukada
varuhiravaraikum labameda, vasathiya thedungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
gnabagam vanthetheda, antha naal gnabagam vanthatheda
nanbanai vida oruthan, life'uku thevai illada
natpuku kooda katpukal undu nalla therinchukada
atputhamana nanbargal sernthal vetrikal kumiyumeda
nam vetrikal kumiyumeda
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ulaikum payen'ai nambi nalaiku ulagame irukutheda
unmaiku poradi, kural kodutha oorey vanangumeda
nan ungal tholan, nee enthan nanban privae illayeda
nalaya ulagam, illangaerkal kayil, nambikai vaiyuengda
yen mela nambikaivayungeda
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
kathal vanthichenna, mugathil colour padam theriyumeda
kannadi munnadi nee ninna, kavarchiyum thonumeda
kathali iruntha kavalaikal theerum, kathal pannungeda
antha kalyanam mattum late'ah yosi, nalla irukumeda
valkai nella irukumeda
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
dove'ila vilunthaka, manasu novila alugumeda
theevila irupathu pol, thisaiyae theriyama pogumeda
innaiku siripa, nalaiku muraipa, innamum irukutheda
antha rothanai nammaku ippo ethuku, ushara irunthukeda
figure'ai nambama polaichukeda
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
ini jalsa pannungada
kujala jilpa kaatungada
valkaiyai yosingada
thalaiyeluthai nalla vaaskingada

Wifi, 2GB internal memory
no damage on the front side..nice!
3.5inch screen, 920K pixel screen!!
the norm is 230K, so thats a huge step up!
again the camera is open,
ahh...thats a huge screen for you to protect from scratch and damage, all controls are on the side,
nice xmb style menu.
i stole the pics from this site.
(more pics on that site )
hunting DSC-T100
DSC-T100 seems pretty good but DSC-G1 has 2GB internal memory and some 921,000 pixel screen and its a funky design altho the camera is just 6MP. DSC-T100 is an 8.1MP. I have read enough camera reviews to know that its not all about megapixels when it comes to camera, its all about sensor sizes. too many damn choices i cant make up my mind!
anyways, so i started the search for dsc-t100 and i found it for pre-order. first place was sonystyle.co.uk, oh yes the sony shop! £329... ouch! Dabs.com £276 ... why does sony shop sell it at that price? does it cost it that much to run the website? of course sonystyle has it in stock but dabs doesnt.
then i thougth i would like pixmania, £291 ... which lasted for a few days before going up to £294.. weird!
then i tried pricerunner and it came up with UKdigital something and they had the price £270, so i thought i would call dem today and find out if they have it in stock,
the phone rings, then gets answered, then click and ring tone again, while my mobile registers that i am in call, the phone keeps ringing, i hang up, check my call duration, 13 seconds,
13 seconds of listening to recorded dial tone, WTF? 08708001212 < assholes!
kept searching and T100s started appearing on ebay... all those hong kong sellers.. then managed to find someone selling from UK,
got some weird ass description with *KIT* at the end of title, WTF is that about? is that some kinda ebay term?
then down at the warranty it said, "warranty provided by seller" , huh? what happened to sony's 1 year gurantee?
oh yeah on ebay it was £249 + £13 delivery charge, for this you get DSC T100 and 2GB memory stick...pretty good deal...
but...dodgy gear?
called another place.. Cameras2u.com, they dont have it in stock, they are selling at £250, what the hell is sonystyle.co.uk thinking at £329?
hmm maybe i should get the DSC-G1...
its funny how i managed to find every uncertainty thats comes with shopping online by just looking for one product....
Chennai 600028 - Saroja Saman Niklao
Movie: Chennai 600028
Song: Saroja saman nikalo
Music: Yuvan Shanker Raja
Singers: Shanker Mahadevan, Premji
http://www.oosai.com/tamilsongs/chennai_600028_songs.cfm (last on the list)
saroja saman nikalo
mela eri vaarom, nee othungi nillu
keela iranga sonna, ada egirum pallu
mela eri vaarom, nee othungi nillu
keela iranga sonna, ada egirum pallu
ooty raani,pullatha baani(?) ellarum onnagalam
puri baani, pookatha poori ethachum seinchagalam
beat'u beat'u intha heart'u beatu
route potta ithu naattu beat'u
mela eri vaarom, nee othungi nillu
keela iranga sonna, ada egirum pallu
mela eri vaarom, nee othungi nillu
keela iranga sonna, ada egirum pallu
pattu pattu, sethupattu,
ayoo sirikutheda namma cherry-chittu
looku vittu, orang-kattu
athu sikelana ennai paathi(?) thattu
thiramai muluvathum theriyathu puriyathu
thaechu paakama theekuchi eriyathu
athuku, neram othuku,
yenna anaalum ponalum nammaketthuku
beat'u beat'u intha heart'u beatu
route potta ithu naattu beat'u
beat'u beat'u intha heart'u beatu
route potta ithu naattu beat'u
vaanabamparam(?) maari ithu puriyathengo
tharai-thampattai edutha enna thadukatheengo
vaanabamparam(?) maari ithu puriyathengo
tharai-thampattai edutha enna thadukatheengo
annathai aadura othiko, othiko
then-naatu vengai thaan, othuko, othuko
annathai aadura othiko, othiko
then-naatu vengai thaan, othuko, othuko
johnny johnny, sa ra ga ma pa tha nee
vaani raani, athai varuthuva nee
keni keni, thiru valli keni
kettu paaru nee than muthal koli? koil?
palasu palasana inikaathu rusikaathu
alagu kirmana athukethum kidaikaathu
ithukum bo....noruku
athu illama ingay they ethu iruku
beat'u beat'u intha heart'u beatu
route potta ithu naattu beat'u
beat'u beat'u intha heart'u beatu
route potta ithu naattu beat'u
kozhi kokara kozhi ithu kudikathengo
vaani bankaja vali, ithu salligakengo
kozhi kokara kozhi ithu kudikathengo
vaani bankaja vali, ithu salligakengo
(corrections in the comments please, thanks)
what does saroja saman nikalo mean? does nikalo mean marriage?
pattu pattu, serthupattu,ayoo sirikutheda namma cherry-chittu vittu vittu, orang-kattuathu pasikelana ennai paathi(?) thattu
pattu pattu, sethupattu,ayoo sirikutheda namma cherry-chittu looku vittu, orang-kattuathu sikelana, ennai paathi(?) thattu
Chennai 600028 - Un Parvai Melae Pattal
Song: Un Parvai Melae Pattal
Music: Yuvan Shanker Raja
Singer: Vijay Yesudass
http://www.oosai.com/tamilsongs/chennai_600028_songs.cfm (number 2 on the list)
Un parvai mele pattal naan thusi ahinraen
oru varthai pesa kettal, nan kavithai enkinraen
viral theendiyae uyir vaarkirai
ennai sera nee, ethu kekirai, soll
Un parvai mele pattal naan thusi ahinraen
oru varthai pesa kettal, nan kavithai enkinraen
iravellam nenjil chinna chinna avasthai
ethu enru solla illai oru vivasthai
unai-enni thinam pull-arikum manathinil
shell-adika vidubaval nee thaane
uyir naalum konjam vittu vittu thudika
thinamum nee ennai thontaravu keli panni
nall-iravu ovovonrayum null-iravu enru seithayae
nurai-eeral thedum swasame
rionam? aadum sotpnamae
padi-yeri vanthal sotkamae, anbae
Un parvai mele pattal naan thusi ahinraen
oru varthai pesa kettal, nan kavithai enkinraen
silar kathal ingu kall-araikul adakam
silar kathal ingu sillaraikul thodakam
athu pola alla, kall-araiyai kadanthidum
silaraiyai jeythidum emm kathal
poi ellam sutri mettu-katti padipaen[?]
athu pola kathal chicago'vum vida villai
senchinavum kandathillai, soviet'um kandathillai, anbae
mazhai naalil nee than nutpamae
veyil naalil thaneer thetpamae
oli ethum theenda sitpamae, anbae
Un parvai mele pattal naan thusi ahinraen
oru varthai pesa kettal, nan kavithai enkinraen
viral theendiyae uyir vaarkirai
ennai sera nee, ethu kekirai, soll
Un parvai mele pattal naan thusi ahinraen
oru varthai pesa kettal, nan kavithai enkinraen
viral theendiyae uyir vaarkirai
ennai sera nee, ethu kekirai, soll
(please comment the corrections, especially dat line with a question mark on it)
Police held over S Lanka kidnaps
Chennai 600028 - Yaro, Yarukul inguYaro
ARR is cool, always like his tune but lately i find myself listening to more YSR stuff than ARR. Like the Pattiyal songs i love, "poga poga" and "yethetho".
i dont know what YSR is doing, maybe copying english tunes but these tunes are funky!
this is the latest tune... from chennai 600028
(3rd song on that list)
Movie: Chennai 600028
Song : Yaro Yarukul ingu Yaro
Music: YSR
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
kathal varam naan vanga
karai kankal nee veesa
kokkai poleh naal thOrum
ortai kalil ninraen kannmani
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
oorai velum thogaiyinaleh
unnal ingu thortu pOnaen
kannal yuthame nee, seithai nithameh
oh-ho oh-ho ninrai ingu minnal keertai
nitham vangum moochu kaartai
unnai sool-kiraen naan, unnai sool-kiraen
kartil vaitha soodai poleh
kathal theernthu pogathu
unnai minchi ushnam thangi ennal vaala aahathu
anbey vaa hey-hey
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
Unthan aadai kaiya poda
ungal veetu kambi kodiyai
ennai enninaen naan, thavam panninaen
ah-ha ah-ha, ketta ketta varthai solli
kitta kitta vanthai thulli
etti poi vidu illai, etho aahividum
kathal kondu pesum pothu
chenani thamilum senthaen thaan
asai vellam paayum pothum
vanga kadalum vaikal thaan
anbey vaa-haaa
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
kathal varam naan vanga
karai kankal nee veesa
kokkai poleh naal thOrum
ortai kalil ninraen kannmani
Yaroo, yarukkul ingu yaroo
yar nenajai ingu yar thantharo
vidai illa oru kelvi
(uyir kathal oru velvi)
(please comment the corrections, ta)
and some good news...
Hey Jude - Beatles
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it betterHey, Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better.And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colderHey, Jude! Don't let her down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember, to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better.So let it out and let it in, hey, Jude, begin
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you, hey, Jude,
You'll do, the movement you need is on your shoulder
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
hmm... its all gone now...too late...
guns guns guns...guns i do adore..
then there wont be no more innocent by standers...
gun crime on the increase in london, where did all these guns come from?
where is the gun control, drugs ok, they can be hidden in oranges, but u cant hide a gun in an orange..
most of it prolly makes it through the ferry ports
i went to amsterdam and there was no checking, of person or vehicle, how crap is that..
border control? we could've picked up some weed and some guns and drove straight into britain and no one would question us..
sell it, make money! so easy...
alas, its not just the guns, gangsters? wanna gangstas, we got them in tamil too, 10 tamils killed by gang warfare..
how long can you be a gangster? until you are 30? what happens after that?
do these people listen to tupac or just pretend to do the whole thug life thing..
And i neva get ta lay back
Cuz i always gotta worry bout tha payback
Some buck
that i ruffed up way back
Come back afta all these years
Rat tat tat tat tat
Thats the way it is
thats the way it IS!
live by the gun, die by the gun, BITCH!
and then again, where the hell are the parents? where are the fathers? single moms raising these kids?
whats the cause? just didnt get enough hugs? went to school where idiots screwed up the lessons?
inner city has to change, maybe its time to bring back the cane!
ah its the music,
so its the rap music, the hip-hop culture,
hmm..possibly, they all think they are hard!
but then again these kids are stupid,
Trash culture, the problem is there is no culture, there is no white culture, there is no black culture
these kids are just on some rap/grime culture
i'm better than you coz i smoke weed.
noh i am better coz i done coke..
nah i am better coz i been to jail... this is what chris rock called the niggarant attitude...
i think its the media, media is what makes these kids go out and grab whatever to be known in the hood (famous)
kids dont want to put time into learning something and being good at it, they want instant fame
sad indeed that the media is ruining kids, its not letting them make their own mind, its showing them as failures,
media shows things like it can be achieved over night, where as things take ages to achieve,
summary...everything goes in circles
like rain! evaporates off the sea, makes clouds, rains on mountain, river goes to sea!!
thats how life is!
this poisonning of the kids by the media will lead to something, possibly to programs like the "running man" with arnold schwarzenegger
haha.. shit..its all fucked up!
Skiing, Pamporovo continued...
20th we left UK and landed in bulgaria
21st is the first day of skiing!
we got to the hotel at 12 or something, the responsible one thought bulgaria is 3 hours ahead of UK.
we had to get up 7-8.30 for breakfast, but our rep meeting to get out ski hire, ski lesson and ski lift tickets at 8.30!
as soon as we got to the hotel, we put our bags in the room and took a walk around the resort just to check it out and we ended up going to sleep at 2AM...
and throughout the holiday K kept saying its 10pm UK time, i dont give a fuck what the time is in UK when i am bulgaria...damn it!
so we decided to get up at 6AM, (bulgaria is 2 hours ahead of UK, so we go up 1 hour early due to responsible persons mistake)
put on all da skiing gear.. that takes some time!
we get down to breakfast..thinkin it was 7..30 , no one was there, it was empty, we didnt get clued up...
breakfast was buffet style, one side with fruits, cheese, ham slices, other side with sausages, eggs, all oily stuff,
then the usual bread, cereal, orange juice, good stuff! nice set of options! we started eating oily food, and lots of it, then near the end of the holiday everyone went healthy and were eating fruits for breakfast. only thing i can complain about bulgaria is the lack of good tea! the only tea they had was some shoddy "ceylon tea"!
then water boiler was warm so tea never brewed right, but i cant start the morning without a tea!! i'm a tamilan in bulgaria...!
so there we are, first to arrive for the food, doh! then we slowly make out way to perelik hotel where we meet our rep to get our ski tickets
rather a simple thing, get some tickets, swap em at the ski depot for various things you need. den we got the bus to the ski depot, the depot ispacked!
lot of ice than snow, a long queue to get ur ski equipment. this happens every week. a rotational thing, this week it was out turn, these ski equipment will be mine for a week.
so finally put those ski boots on, lean forward coz the boot is made like dat. den we got our skis and sticks...woohoo! lets go!
we were signed up for the beginner class and we were told to stand in front of the ski depot til we had enough in the group then an instructor will take us for the lessons,
we got a mix bunch of people, a few old, a few young,,mostly in the middle. then we got our instructor...Dani, late 30s , perm hair, short, "follow me please" with a heavy bulgarian accent! here we go!
loads of people had arrived earlier than us and were already in their lessons, all learning to put the skis on, fallin down, getting up, skiing, walking, snow plough..etc..etc..
if you check out the youtube videos on previous post you'll see how our first day went...
so after a day of fallin down and pondering what you were doing there, it was time to go home and get some rest, especially after the lack the sleep the night before.
dinner time... 7-8.30pm, of course we were the first coz of the confusion with the time,
dinner was various meats, with no sauce, loads of bulgarian salads which i didnt touch at all, potato wedges and such.
they did do rice, best was the spinach rice which was nice! dinner wasnt as good as the choices at breakfast. oh yeah you could have soup too!
dessert was Moroccan cake, which was superb... i think its Moroccan cake, i only had it once before in UK and that was from a Moroccan shop!
afte dinner we slep then at some random time someone said lets go out and i came out of my slumber... lets go!
it turns out it was the pub crawl that night, we missed a meeting at 5.30pm coz we were sleeping after getting back from skiing..
so we joined up and had the best night of the whole holiday! it wasnt easy getting up the next day... (22nd)
Putin puts out
America's "very dangerous" approach to global relations was fuelling a nuclear arms race, he told a security summit
americas war against terror and its no nonsense approach is fueling terrorists and poor nations to take up arms
Skiing Videos
obviously the falls..
Shank's Fallin down
Kanna Fallin down
Shanks and me showing kanna how its done
Kanna falling down and wondering how to get up
how can the government let this go by...
A Saudi-funded Islamic school says it is removing from text books controversial passages which allegedly brand other faiths as "worthless".
An ex-teacher claims pupils were taught from books which describe Jews as "repugnant" and Christians as "pigs".
in the corner
every time reid,uk home office minister, gets pushed in the corner he busts out with a police raid
even if it all goes wrong the police dont have to tell you what they raided coz they dont have to under terror laws,
still awaiting to see some evidence of those raids which stopped people from carrying liquid stuff in their hand luggage on planes
then there is the shoe checking at airports, random people are checked = muslim looking
ah the crazy world of policing with terror laws.