PS3 Mash up.. PS3 for sale...


ordered a few ps3s just to make sure i get one.. plus i was gonna put some on ebay..
but it seems not many people are buying ps3 so i cancelled many..
had my order with two shops... one took money out... but when the other shop tried to take money they got declined
bugger..coz that was the one i was gonna keep, sorted out the problem with the bank (they thought it was fraud) and paid on 22nd..
but ps3 only got posted today, so i prolly wont get it til monday...
keeping my fingers crossed that it will arrive at local depot tommo, but i havnt got my passport as i left it in the town where i work..
gonna take some convincing to pick it up if it arrives at the depot...

what i have now... is the ps3 from the other shop, in the box, unopened, i tried to cancel it yesterday but didnt work...
now i gotta send it back! just sittin there...and i cant open it up..damn it!

now all i need some bad news on monday about a job..and this weekend will be a real bad weekend!