stupid law...

gays can marry, lesbians can marry...
but a man cant marry two women.. or woman two men.....what the fuck is that about? isnt christianity involved in this law somewhere?
and since its all good for homosexuals and hetrosexuals isnt the society letting down the bisexuals?
haha..the insanity of it...


Unknown said...

dearest monkey,

let me explain the legality of this :P

you are entering a marriage contract
meaning you are committing yourself to one person (usually this is done verbally and in writing) whether the people involved are same-sex or not doesn't matter anymore

until the legal terms change to allow you to enter a marriage contract with multiple people simultaneously, you can' happily live common-law

AJ said...

obviously the legal terms were changed to allowe for homosexual marriages, its time to change that marriage has to be one with one,